Climate Change Strategy
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Climate Change Strategy

In 2020, the Port of Everett through its progressive environmental programs, implemented a climate change strategy (CCS). The purpose of the CCS is to articulate how the Port plans to ensure a resilient waterfront considering the anticipated physical and economic effects associated with a changing climate, and identify the Port’s plans to participate in the global efforts to reduce greenhouse gases. The strategy identifies a two-pronged approach:

1) Port Resilience — Climate Change Adaptation
2) Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction — Mitigation of Climate Change

There are 16 action categories that are specifically tailored to address climate change as it relates to the Port of Everett. This strategy will be reviewed and updated annually, or as new information is available. This version of the CCS was set forth in 2020 and is detailed below. 

Port Resilience
Climate Change Adaptation
The Port is making efforts to adapt to a changing climate. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) defines adaptation as: "the process of adjustment to actual or expected climate and its effects. In human systems, adaptation seeks to moderate or avoid harm or exploit beneficial opportunities."

Regulatory Compliance & Engagement
Continue to track and comply with all current rules and regulations

Plan for Sea Level Rise
Implement into Port’s development and long-term management of facilities and properties

Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment
Conduct in coordination with other owners and operators of other waterfront facilities

Plan for Increased Sedimentation
Assess the Snohomish River navigation channel, marinas and terminal berth areas

Waterfront Resilience Communication Coordination
Coordinate with the Everett waterfront users to ensure awareness of climate change risks and adaptation considerations

Business Risk Awareness & Planning
Build an economy that is resilient to the physical, regulatory, and economic effects of a changing climate

Resilient Economy
Factor in climate resilience when recruiting businesses to Port properties

Adaptation Funding
Assist with adaptation, and integrate measures into infrastructure grant proposals 

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction
Mitigation of Climate Change  
The Port is making efforts to participate in the global effort to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with the goal of reducing the effects of climate change. According to the IPCC, "Mitigation is a human intervention to reduce the sources or enhance the sinks of greenhouse gases." 

Regulatory Compliance & Engagement
Continue to track and comply with all current rules and regulations

Air Emissions Study (PSMAEI)
Continue to participate in the Puget Sound Maritime Air Emissions Inventory (PSMAEI)

Green Purchasing
Strive to acquire appropriate vehicle technology with the lowest GHG emissions as financially feasible

Leverage Actions of Partners
Strive to communicate with partners on a coordinated effort to reduce GHG emissions (e.g., cargo ships, PUD, City of Everett, etc.)

Commute Trip Reduction
Encourage employees to find alternatives to driving alone to work, and offers remote working options as appropriate

Mixed-Use Development
Continue development of the Waterfront Place Central mixed-use development

Wetland Carbon Sinks
Continue efforts to protect and create carbon sinks on Port properties (e.g., Blue Heron Slough, Union Slough, Bay Wood Shoreline, etc.)

Mitigation Funding
Assist with GHG mitigation planning and implementation efforts