Puget Sound Air Emissions Forum
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Puget Sound Air Emissions Forum

The Port of Everett cares about its carbon footprint. We actively work with other Puget Sound ports to ensure we continue to collectively meet federal air quality standards and implement emission reduction measures. The Port is an active member of the Puget Sound Maritime Air Forum, a voluntary association of private and public maritime organizations, ports, air agencies, environmental and public health advocacy groups and other parties with operational or regulatory responsibilities related to the maritime industry. The Forum is committed to accurately quantifying and voluntarily reducing air emissions associated with the maritime transportation of freight and passengers. 

A 2016 report compiled by the Puget Sound Maritime Air Forum shows maritime-related air pollutant emissions decreased in nearly every sector between 2005 and 2016. Results showed that air pollutant emissions decreased by up to 97%, depending on the type, including 69% for fine particles, which are harmful to human health. The emission reductions resulted from voluntary investments by the maritime industry and efforts by government agencies in cleaner engines, fuels and operational efficiency, as well as regulations that stipulated more stringent emission standards for new engines and cleaner fuels. The first inventory was conducted in 2005 with updates performed every five years (2011 and 2016) to track emission reductions over time and ensure that emission estimates remain current.

Air Emmissions Change Infographic